

ARgorithm is a project aimed at providing educators and enthusiasts a tool to create AR visualizations that explain the workings of data structures and algorithms with ease. In recent times, there has been a rise in interest in programming education and this tool is designed to bring augmented reality into the mix by making it easy to design dynamic and complex visualizations in augmented reality that are accessible to everyone free of cost.

How does it work?

The project consists of three parts

  • toolkit
  • Server
  • Mobile application

The toolkit package is for developers who want to transport their own algorithms to be converted into augmented reality. The toolkit provides you with a template library which works just like your usual template library except this one records states. Each state is an event that occurs in your data structure and by keeping track of the states of your variables, data structures, etc. we can then render them in augmented reality.

The server takes the ARgorithm and runs it with a custom user input to generate states which the mobile application then converts to AR visualizations.

  • The code used to create these visualizations is called argorithm.
  • The people interacting with the project have been classified into programmer and user. The programmer creates and manages argorithm. The user interact with augmented reality visualizations of argorithm.