- Hotfix for popped values in stack, queue, priorityqueue to enable undo operations
- Hotfix to fix id key not being present in states for stack.
- Dependecy fixes
- Added a ClientError for programmers to use in the their code to raise errors
- Expanded StateEncoder to handle numpy types
- Refactored CLI to remove redundancies and bugs
- Map and Set implementation
- Serialisation feature added for nested ARgorithmStructures
- Verification of files before submission to server
- Updated designs for all data structures focussing on object ID
- Updated config file format
- Added CLI client for generating config files
- user input for testing argorithms hosted on servers
- Fixed bug in Linkedlist and DoublyLinked list dealing with None references
- Expanded State metadata for optimising rendering process at application
- ARgorithm cloud is now online
- Versioning fix
- Tutorials for application
- Linkedlist and DoublyLinkedList have been implemented
- Command line interface migrated from argparse and wasabi to Typer
- Shifted documentation from sphinx to mkdocs for better functionality
CLI now can be configured to connect to Server endpoint of choice
Documentation pages added
- Introduction to ARgorithm
- Server Setup
Getting started
Alabaster theme for RTD customized
- Following Data structures implemented
- Strings
- Vector
- Arrays (one-dimensional as well as multidimensional)
- Queue
- Stack
Priority Queue
Command line interface ready for basic server commands as well helper commands for ARgorithm Creation
- Programmer actions supported
Server admin actions added
Documentation Generated from doc strings and hosted